Courage - Hope - Respect

‘Everything is possible for one who believes’ Mark 9:23

INSET DAY – Friday 15th November 2024. | Proud to be an Essential Letters and Sounds school | Attendance Counts – Moment’s Matter. Our attendance target is 96.5%.

Welcome to St. George’s Beneficial CE Primary School

St George’s Beneficial CE Primary School is a thriving mainstream school for children aged 4-11 years. We provide exceptional teaching, excellent pastoral care and are incredibly proud of our relationship with the Portsmouth Diocese. Our distinctive Christian vision underpins our aspirations for our community. This inspires us to live out our lives with Courage, Hope and Respect.

As well as our Christian values of Courage, Hope and Respect, we work to embed our learning behaviours of…

Taking responsibility for ours and others’ learning.

Support and actively listen.
Discuss and explain our ideas.

A Unique History

In 1755, Portsmouth’s famous Charity School opened, affectionately referred to as the ‘Old Benny’. For nearly 200 years, it taught the children of the poor in Portsea, where the Beneficial Society, which founded the school, brought hope to many. This original school building remains in Kent Street; now Groundlings theatre company. If you stand in our playground you can still see the building, with its beautiful arched windows, that housed our first school pupils.

The Education Act of 1870 meant many Board Schools were being erected in the Portsmouth area absorbing the children of all classes of residents. The Beneficial Society continued to support the school until 1933 when the society found itself out of date and so dissolved. The school became the responsibility of the Local Authority and continued until 1939 when the Second World War forced the evacuation of the children to safer areas. In September 1940 the school became a junior school, serving the area till 1962 when it transferred to the present site and so St George’s Beneficial Church of England Primary school, as it is today, was born.

Our curriculum, by design, includes specific learning about our city and some of its historic and famous residents, including John Pounds – the founder of the Ragged School movement. Our headteacher even wrote and illustrated a book about John Pounds which is part of our year 1 learning!

We are very proud of our building, which, thanks to a refurbishment (in part) in 2015, is now a blend of modern and 1960’s design. We are delighted to show off our large library space, open foyer area and specialist rooms within our building. Like our city, this school has an incredibly rich history and remains a pillar of the community. We are excited to make new memories for our pupils and families and hope we continue to leave a lasting legacy.


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St. George's Beneficial Church of England Primary School

Hanover Street, Portsea
Portsmouth PO1 3BN

023 9282 2886

© St. George's Beneficial Church of England Primary School 2025  Website Designed by the Collective