Courage - Hope - Respect
‘Everything is possible for one who believes’ Mark 9:23
Vision and Aims
‘Everything is possible for one who believes’ Mark 9:23
Through our Christian values of Courage, Hope and Respect we strive to do the best with the gifts God gave us to make the world a better place.
At St George’s we instil hope for a better future. We will be motivated to learn, and capable of working independently and with others. We will respect ourselves, others and the environment. We will be courageous in making responsible and appropriate choices and make a positive contribution to society.
School Vision
What is it we want for pupils of St George’s? In short, everything!
Every opportunity, every chance and every happiness.
We want our children to recognise that ‘Everything is possible for one who believes’ (Mark 9:23) and that by living out our values of Courage, Hope and Respect and through hard work, good decision making and by positively contributing to their communities that they will experience a full, happy life.
As a Church of England school, we work hard to ensure we provide a loving environment for all God’s children to be cared for and to flourish. We want our children to understand the importance of faith and to live out our school values in all that they do, so that they are ready to be part of their communities and the world beyond and are ‘Connecting to something bigger than themselves’.
We want our children to experience ’life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10) and to achieve their very best academically, building strong relationships, developing a moral compass that helps them make difficult decisions and remembering that ‘Everything is possible for one who believes’ (Mark 9:23)
Get in Touch
St. George's Beneficial Church of England Primary School
Hanover Street, Portsea
Portsmouth PO1 3BN
023 9282 2886
© St. George's Beneficial Church of England Primary School 2025 Website Designed by the Collective