Courage - Hope - Respect

‘Everything is possible for one who believes’ Mark 9:23

Headteacher’s Welcome

St George’s Beneficial is a thriving mainstream primary school in the heart of Portsea. We provide exceptional teaching, excellent pastoral care and are incredibly proud of our relationship with Harbour Church Gunwharf and Portsmouth Diocese. Our distinctive Christian vision underpins our aspirations for our community. This inspires us to live out our lives with Courage, Hope and Respect.

We offer a safe and secure environment in which every child is nurtured and encouraged to be ambitious and courageous in making choices to achieve their full potential. Our staff are experienced in providing both challenge and support to meet each child’s individual needs.

With pupils from over 30 countries, speaking more than 40 languages and a broad range of religions and lifestyles in school; we want all pupils and staff to respect each other’s differences and to celebrate the similarities. We have hope that our pupils will be good citizens in our community, making the right choices, even when at times this can be hard for them and we consistently remind them of the power of choices and chances. Relational Practice is at the core of what we do at St George’s. We dedicate time in our week, every week, checking in and out with pupils and staff, knowing that respect and relationships are crucial for success.

We see enrichment as principal to the development of children and vow to continue with our extensive offer, despite the financial hardship of many. We host productions in school and attend cultural events including the D’Day 80 celebrations and Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra concerts. We welcome visitors, provide a wide range of trips, offer regular cooking sessions, take part in sporting events, offer challenge days, build Focus Days into our year that broaden our curriculum offer and work in partnership with higher education providers to help our children aspire to be the best they can be. We recognise the need to connect and at times, support, our families – so we offer Stay and Play Sessions twice weekly with a pastoral lead, where families can engage in play and structured activity together.

As a church school, we join together weekly for collective worship as well as for Christian celebrations, sharing in many of these with our school families. We are proud to be at the core of our wider community as for many families, St George’s is a generational pillar of the past and a beacon of their futures.

The Senior Team

Get in Touch

St. George's Beneficial Church of England Primary School

Hanover Street, Portsea
Portsmouth PO1 3BN

023 9282 2886

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